Performing maintenance and modernisation on travelators is crucial to ensuring their safe and reliable operation, as well as prolonging their lifespan.
Here are some reasons why:

Travelator Maintenance with Safety

Regular maintenance helps to identify potential safety hazards and prevent accidents from occurring. Malfunctioning or worn-out components can be identified and replaced before they cause a safety issue. By keeping the equipment in good condition, you can reduce the risk of injury to users and liability for the owner of the travelator.

Extended lifespan for Travelators

Better user experience: A well-maintained travelator provides a better user experience for passengers. A clean and smooth ride, reliable performance, and a modern look all contribute to a positive experience for users. This can lead to increased usage and higher customer satisfaction.

Proper maintenance and modernisation can extend the lifespan of the travelator. By performing regular maintenance, you can catch potential problems early and prevent them from causing major damage to the equipment. Regularly upgrading the travelator to the latest technology can also prolong its lifespan and ensure its relevance in today’s market.

Better user experience

A well-maintained travelator provides a better user experience for passengers. A clean and smooth ride, reliable performance, and a modern look all contribute to a positive experience for users. This can lead to increased usage and higher customer satisfaction.


Regular maintenance and modernisation can ultimately be cost-effective in the long run. Preventing breakdowns and avoiding costly repairs can save money on repairs and replacement costs. Additionally, upgrading to newer technology can improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs.


Regular maintenance helps to ensure that the travelator is operating efficiently, reducing downtime and costly repairs. Preventive maintenance can catch small problems before they escalate into larger issues, which could cause longer periods of downtime.

Performing regular maintenance and modernisation on travelators is important to ensure their safe and reliable operation, extend their lifespan, and provide a positive user experience while being cost-effective in the long run.

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